Natural Science Infographics

These illustrations simplify complex content and make science appealing and understandable.


Natural science illustration can foster an appreciation for nature and raise awareness for topics such as conservation and climate change.


Endangered Rock Wallaby Poster

The yellow-footed rock-wallaby was once found throughout the semi-arid range country of Australia. Current threats include catastrophic events such as wildfire and drought, which are likely to be deepened due to the effects of climate change.

The bone and muscular rendering were illustrated in colored pencil on vellum. And the fleshed out layer was done on Cason paper. Special help from the mammal collection at the Burke Museum to study the skull, foot and pelvic bones of a similar species in the marsupial family, the kangaroo.

Illustration and layout design by Jessica Castillo


Red Speckled Jewel Beetle Poster

Chrysochroa buqueti is a Southeast Asian species of beetle in the buprestidae family. Rendering a small insect, in this case, a red speckled jewel beetle, can have its challenges. This was solved with careful study under a microscope to capture the rainbow iridescence on the back and the tiny hairs on the feet. The color illustration of the beetle was done in colored pencil on both sides of vellum.

Illustration and layout design
by Jessica Castillo


Edible Plants of Sonoran Desert & PNW

It’s easy to find nutritious food in your backyard, some native plants have edible parts such as their flowers, fruit, leaves, or roots.

The Pacific Northwest is full of wild plants that are edible and can be easily foraged and added to a meal for a taste of the outdoors. Edible plants are also quite common in the Sonoran Desert, and many of them have traditionally been gathered and used by the area's Native Americans.

Botanicals are digital illustrations rendered in Procreate on an Ipad.

Illustration and layout design by Jessica Castillo

